Tuesday 9 August 2011

Earth below us, drifting, falling, floating weightless!

RIP Gale. I'm sorry that Jesse had to go and shoot you in the head like that, but at least we have this video to remember you by. 

Tuesday 19 July 2011

The Dark Knight Rises teaser trailer!

Here's the teaser trailer for The Dark Knight Rises, which was officially released yesterday but leaked last week.
What's that? You've already seen the trailer sometime in the past week? Good! Means you're not living in a cave.

The last second of new footage from the teaser trailer shows Batman presumably about to fight Bane.

Click the pics to make them Bane-sized.

What? What!? Is that Harvey Dent?! Now, I know that Harvey Dent is pretty much dead (but who knows for sure! That interview was from before The Dark Knight Rises was even confirmed) but no other character that wears an apparent two-tone-ish suit comes to mind. It could just be a random thug in a gray suit in a really shady area, but screw that - yay for speculation. 

And I leave you with this. Batman in the middle of some sort of bat-dance.

Sunday 19 June 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Vader's Day!
Here's a little something I whipped up for the occasion.
(High-res version)
Yup, you can just click the image below to get to a high-res version, but what good is that for my Flickr stream?

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Cover Flow - Holy crap!

I have had iPhones for 4 years now (Yup, starting with the first release. Oh, how primitive the 2G looks now compared to my iPhone 4) and I've never had a library with complete album art. Today, I manually added album art to all of my CD rips and my mp3s in iTunes. Then I went into the iPod app and tilted my iPhone to landscape mode.


Oh, my, god. Flowing through covers is such an immensely satisfying experience that I'm just flowing through covers and giggling like an idiot. This is fun.
Swipe, swipe, swipe. Flow, flow, flow!

Monday 6 June 2011

iOS 5

This morning, iOS 5 was unveiled to thunderous applause (from what I heard on the keynote, which is up on the Apple site now, go go go) and Apple-gasms all over the world.  We had good reason to be excited. Whenever Apple unveils an iOS that's of a whole different number, you know something epic is going to unfold. Just like in the past, Apple once again manages to make its old iOS feel painfully obsolete. Not two minutes into the keynote - right after they show off the Notifications Center - I get multiple notifications on my iPhone. I'm just thinking, what the hell is this clunky garbage?
Anyways, check out the iOS 5 introduction below if you haven't already seen it. Hell, if you've seen it, watch it again. It's pretty damn cool.

Thursday 2 June 2011

The Dark Knight Rises; viral marketing? No.

The Dark Knight had some of the best viral marketing that I can remember, and it looks like The Dark Knight Rises won't disappoint in its viral marketing as well. We all know about The Fire Rises. The mysterious sound-clip that led Twitter users to a mosaic of the first picture of Bane. As far as official viral marketing goes, that's it so far.

Three videos have appeared on YouTube, conveniently uploaded by a user with the handle, TheFireRises. They show a fire, an apparent Arkham Asylum outbreak, and a GCN newscast. The same, ominous chanting is present in the videos (which, some people might say, could simply be evidence of it being a real part of the viral marketing -- to which I call bullshit), but that's where the "official-ness" ends.
Hell, I don't even think that the chanting makes it "official." The sound file of the chanting can be easily downloaded here

There's a sound-byte in the videos that's taken directly from the Why So Serious campaign (proof!), and the GCN newscasts themselves look like the newscasts that were included in disc two of The Dark Knight's Blu-Ray. That grainy, Cloverfield-ish, choppy quality in the "viral marketing" videos? You'd think that it's there to make it feel more ominous, but no. Look at Mike Engel's lips. They don't match the words "he's" saying. They, DO, however, appear to match what he says in the Gotham Tonight special feature on The Dark Knight Blu-Ray. I'm trying to prove it via YouTube, but all the videos from Gotham Cable Network have been pulled because of copyright infringements.

Logic bomb!

Another try

It's been a while since I used a blog (except for my sort of personal one, which is still easily accessible. Oh well), so I figured I'd give it another try. Some of my rants are too long to be contained in Twitter's 140 characters, and I feel like a douchebag when I Tweet 6, 7 Tweets consecutively* so I thought I'd take to blogging again for my longer, more drawn out, more intangible thoughts. Speaking of my Twitter, see that picture over there to your right? The one with the Twitter logo on a blood-splattered background? Yeah, that's my Twitter *gasp!* so go on over and check it out. RT your heart out, and validate my existence.

So what can you expect to find here? I don't know. This is just a place for me to let shit out when Kolinahr won't suffice for holding back my evil thoughts and general annoyances with the human race. Better to let it out here than go out and try to stomp on dogs again, right? Besides those, you can expect some comments on things that I deem relevantly relevant: such as pseudo-reviews on movies and TV episodes I've recently watched, and music I've recently listened to.

Yup. So, stick around. There may be a good thought or two amongst this developing ocean of filth that I have just introduced as my blog.

*(see, this post was already 1000+ characters,  more than 7 Tweets)